Dao De Jing
Dao De Jing
(Chuang Tzu)
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Dao De Jing Chapter 16
    BY: Bao Pu   
Translation and Commentary by Bao Pu

zhi xu ji
Achieve the limit of emptiness/openness,
shou zhong du.
Sincerely maintain the centre.
wanwu bing zuo,
The myriad things spontaneously arise together,
ju yi xu fu.
Residing (in the world) they necessarily must return.
Tian Dao yuan yuan,
The Dao of Nature goes round and round,
ge fugui qi gen.
Each (thing) returns to its root.

gui gen yue jing,
Returning to the root is called peace,
shi yue fu ming.
Peace is called returning to the inevitable.
fu ming yue chang,
Returning to the inevitable is called the unchanging rule,
zhi chang yue ming.
Knowing this rule is called great insight.
bu zhi chang wang zuo xiong.
Not knowing this rule, we run into misfortune.
zhi chang rong,
Knowing this unchanging rule we are accepting,
rong nai gong,
Being accepting we are fair,
gong nai wang,
Being fair we are kingly,
wang nai tian,
Being kingly we are heavenly,
tian nai Dao,
Being heavenly we are one with Dao,
Dao nai jiu,
Being with Dao we are long-lasting,
mo/mei shen bu dai.
(As though) without a body, we will be free of danger.
Our body immersed (in Dao), we will be free from danger.
Literal: “immerse body no danger”

(see ch. 52 also)
- “Returning to the inevitable” is accepting one’s lot, accepting the consequences of circumstances – in this case, the inevitableness and constancy of death.

Achieve the limit of emptiness,
Sincerely maintain the centre.
-- be open, be honest, be genuine
The myriad things spontaneously arise together,
Sitting still I observe their return.
The Dao of Heaven goes round and round,
And each thing returns to its root.
-- the cycle of nature: what arises, returns to its root. To try to force things to do otherwise is to work against the flow. Enjoy birth, growth and decline.
Returning to the root is called peace.
Peace is called returning to the inevitable.
Returning to the inevitable is called the unchanging rule.
-- Knowing of our mortality and its naturalness brings an inner peace.
Knowing this rule is called great insight.
Not knowing this rule, we run into misfortune.
-- Work WITH the flow, not against it. It is more productive.
Knowing this unchanging rule we are accepting,
Being accepting, we are fair,
Being fair, we are kingly,
Being kingly, we are heavenly,
-- Nature is neither fair nor unfair. But fairness is a universal among humans.
Being heavenly we are one with Dao, Being one with Dao we are long-lasting,
Till the end of our days we will be free from harm.
-- If we are open-minded and flexible, we will adapt more effectively to life's many changes. To die of old age is what those who have achieved a great balance between themselves and their world. If we enjoy harmony with our neighbours, a moderate lifestyle that is healthy, and evolve with the times, we will enjoy a happy long life.

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